Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Whew! We had to fence a yard for two new Pygmy goats at the farm. Nothing like driving posts and wiring giant rolls of fence, squatting, and hauling to get a workout. It was one of those busy days where though I didn't eat anything I shouldn't have, I was constantly behind the eight ball when hunger set in, scavenging for something to eat. Then when I did eat, I forgot pics. I'm feeling healthy and fit, though!

T posts...

Breakfast: turkey and banana on the fly...double portion for my sister and I. Not pictured, coffee with coconut milk and 2 T almond butter.

Lunch: pineapple

Afternoon snack: dark chocolate and celery w/ cream cheese

Dinner: meatloaf, broccoli, butter, clementine orange

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Have a happy day!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


It was a beautiful day in central Texas! My kids and I biked from our home to a nearby park system with trails. My oldest daughter and I bike a total of 8 1/2 miles round trip, while my two youngest children biked half that. My husband picked them up at the trailhead. I feel strong, and proud for trying to keep my kids active. I want to be a good example for them.

As best I can calculate, the bike ride earned me 9 activity points.

All of the kids and I...

Me and my cruiser bike...

My oldest and I after the younger kids were picked up at the halfway mark...

Breakfast: apple w/ peanut butter

Snack halfway through bike ride: clementine orange

Lunch: spinach salad w/ blue cheese, mandarin oranges, and balsamic vinaigrette; deviled eggs

More lunch: "Asian" chicken vegetable soup

Dessert: coffee and gluten-free cranberry orange scone

More scone!

Late dinner: 2 more deviled eggs, peanut butter, banana, 1 T butter (I'm starving! and have points to burn)

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Have a happy day!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

1/28/12, One month!

It's been one month! I am feeling great, and in control of my eating. I have increased my activity level, and my consumption of veggies has me feeling so healthy.

Here are my pics at month on Weight Watchers, before today's weigh in...it really is therapeutic for me to look at myself in pictures. I've avoided mirrors and photos for so long. Certainly I didn't want to see myself this heavy, but avoiding the mirror, scale, and pictures kept me in denial.

I lost 1.2 lbs this week for a total of 10.8 lbs in one month! I am pleased. I'd love to average 10 lbs/ month over this next year. If so, I'd be at goal in December (by my 40th birthday), and then I'd start the New Year in maintenance. After 6 weeks, I'd be a Lifetime member.

Hey, I have less than 100 lbs to lose now! I also earned my second 5 lb weight loss star.

It's still unbelievable how far I let myself go.

A little more about Saturdays...they are my cheat day. I add in a little bread or dessert. Something I wouldn't have during the week to stimulate my metabolism. WW allows a certain number of points daily, which actually decrease as you get closer and closer to your ideal weight. All members receive an extra 39 points to use as necessary during the week. Points may also be earned daily for exercise. I use some or all of my 39 points on Saturdays, then forget about them. The test if the week, I eat my 33 points plus whatever points I earn via exercise.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, hot sauce, flour tortilla on "treat" Saturday

Snack: clementine

Lunch: clementine, cucumber, carrots, red pepper, blueberries, and a steak sandwich with peppers and onions (again, a sandwich roll on "treat" Saturday)

Snack: a few tablespoons of yogurt w/ blueberries and a little banana

Weighing meats, chocolate, and other items helps me keep a grip on portions!

Dinner: blue cheese, beef summer sausage, more veggies, cheddar nut thin crackers, cup of beef broth

I enjoyed a little thrift and fruit/veg shopping in Austin after my WW meeting this morning. I took a delicious nap after lunch, then had an awesome bike ride with my five year old son this evening. Life is good!

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Have a happy day!


Today I did some interval training at work...I alternately walked and ran pushing three babies! It was an awesome workout and I felt that deep, satisfying exhaustion set in a couple of hours afterward.

Breakfast/lunch: grapefruit, turkey, rice crackers, almond butter

Afternoon snack: Almond protein bar

While cooking dinner snack: a little beef jerky

Dinner: roast chicken, broccoli, a pat of butter

I'm so anxious...my scale still needs batteries and I'm heading in to tomorrow's weigh-in blind!

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Have a happy day!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Here's what I've been eating the last several days. I continue to be proud of myself got saying "no" internally so many times each day. My girls are selling Girl Scout cookies, so I have had 5 since they started selling them about 10 days ago. All were accounted for, too! At school, I have stopped the habit of mindlessly popping whatever the kids are eating into my mouth without a thought.

This week has been crazy busy, and exercise has been lacking.

Finally, our bathroom scale's batteries konked out two days ago. I have no idea what I am weighing in at! It's driving me crazy.

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Have a happy day!